

Most types of eagles differ in size, the body length of some individuals reaches 80-95 cm, the female eagle is much larger than the male. The weight of an eagle can be 3-7 kg. Exceptions are small species: pygmy eagle and steppe eagle.

Representatives of the genus are distinguished by a massive body with developed musculature and rather long, strong legs, feathers down to the fingers. The head of the eagle is compact, the neck is strong and muscular. The mobility of the large eyeballs is small, but the well-developed neck more than compensates for this deficiency. The eagle's large claws and strong beak have curved ends, which makes the bird an unsurpassed predator. During life, the eagle's beak and claws tend to grow, but the bird grinds them in the process of its vital activity.

The eagle's long, wide wingspan reaches 2.5 meters, which allows the predator to soar for a long time at a distance of more than 700 meters above the ground.

The eagle's tail is short and narrow, in some species it is wedge-shaped and fanned. African crested and crested eagles have a "decoration" in the form of a tuft of long feathers crowning the head. Nature endowed the eagle with extremely sharp vision, thanks to which the predator sees small prey (lizards, snakes, mice) from a great height. For example, a golden eagle notices a hare at a distance of up to 2 km. With the help of peripheral vision, the eagle bird can inspect an area of up to 12 square kilometers. Hearing is used mainly for communication, but the eagle's sense of smell is poorly developed.

The color of the eagle's plumage, depending on the species, can be monotonous with spots or contrasting. For example, the color of the golden eagle is black-brown with golden feathers on the back of the head, which is why the English name of the bird is "Golden Eagle".

The eagle's flight is characterized by special maneuverability with powerful and deep wingspans. An eagle is a bird that, even with strong gusts of wind, easily copes with air currents and, having noticed a potential prey, is able to dive at a speed of up to 320 km / h.

The lifespan of an eagle is about 30 years, especially large species live up to 40-50 years.
